Open Water
Freedive Course
Level 1 Freedive course The Level One freediving course is designed for freedivers and spearfishers alike. The two day course will teach the fundamentals of freediving and intro to spearfishing. The PADI curriculum provides a focus on physics, physiology, and safety techniques. The course is typically taught with a 4:1 student to instruc...
Open Water Course Scuba Diver / Junior Scuba Diver Just imagine where you will go! Begin your underwater explorations by enrolling in a NAUI Scuba Diver class. This is our entry-level certification course where you will learn the fundamental knowledge and skills to safety dive in open water. Earning your NAUI Scuba Diver...
Open Water Weekend Course Scuba Diver / Junior Scuba Diver Just imagine where you will go! Begin your underwater explorations by enrolling in a NAUI Scuba Diver class. This is our entry-level certification course where you will learn the fundamental knowledge and skills to safety dive in open water. Earning your NAUI Scuba Diver...
Private Courses Scuba Diver / Junior Scuba Diver Just imagine where you will go! Begin your underwater explorations by enrolling in a NAUI Scuba Diver class. This is our entry-level certification course where you will learn the fundamental knowledge and skills to safety dive in open water. Earning your NAUI Scuba Diver...
Advanced Courses
Advanced Open Water Advanced Scuba Diver/Junior Advanced Scuba Diver Enroll in a NAUI Advanced Diver Course to explore new dive sites and undertake exclusive activities under the supervision of a NAUI Instructor. This course allows individuals to learn about specialties and diving activities of particular interest. Your confi...
Nitrox A course designed to provide recreational divers with an alternative breathing medium within the recreational sport diving limits.
Master Scuba Diver The course is a continuing education certification course for divers who wish to increase their understanding and enjoyment of diving.
Technical Courses
Intro to Tech This course introduces students to the world of technical diving.
GEM SCR Rebreather This course is designed to train recreational divers in the benefits, hazards, and proper procedures for using the GEM semi-closed rebreather.
Advanced Nitrox Course This course examines the use of EAN-21 (air) through on hundred (100) percent oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of 130 fsw.
Decompression Procedures This course examines the theory, methods, and procedures of planned stage decompression diving.
Extended Range Diver This course provides training and experience required to competently utilize air for dives up to 180 fsw that requires staged decompression, utilizing Nitrox mixtures or oxygen during decompression.
Trimix Diver This course provides the training required to competently and safely utilize breathing gases containing helium for dives that require staged decompression to a maximum depth of 200 fsw.
Closed Circuit Rebreather Diving (Sport KISS and KISS Classic) This course if for divers wishing to learn closed circuit rebreather diving.
Rescue Rescue Scuba Diver / Advanced Rescue Diver Once you are 15 years of age and a certified scuba diver, you can expand your diving knowledge with a NAUI Rescue Scuba Diver or NAUI Advanced Rescue Scuba Diver course. Learn how to manage risks and effectively handle limited in-water problems and diving emergencies, how t...
CPR, AED, and First Aid Courses
Initial CPR Class Prices include workbook and 2 year certification card.
CPR / AED Initial 4 Hours. Prices include workbook and 2 year certification card.
First Aid / CPR / AED 6 Hours. Prices include workbook and 2 year certification card.
Emergency Oxygen First Aid 2 Hours. Prices include workbook and 2 year certification card.
Adventure Camps
Scuba Camp At Camp your kids will learn to dive, meet new friends, and become Scuba Certified. This certification is their gateway to countless adventures under the waves for years to come. Ages 10-17 Camps are Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm for one week. Schedule: Monday-Wednesday: Pool & Classroom at OTWA Lake...
Scuba Explorer Camp Scuba Explorer Camp July 21 - 25, 2025 Parents, are your kids between the ages of 10—17 and already scuba certified, and you are looking for a fun and exciting camp where they can gain more experience diving? Sign them up for our Scuba Explorer Camp. ...
Offshore Fishing Camp Stay tuned for camp dates and pricing.
Mermaid Camp Cassi is now offering Intro to Mermaiding, Mermaid Level 1, & Level 2 Intro to Mermaiding - $150 (minimum age of 8) Level 1 Mermaid (pool) - $175 (minimum age of 8) Level 2 Mermaid (open water) - $175 (minimum age of 12) Students must provide their own monofin and tail.
Lifeguard Training Red Cross training provides participants with flexible training options, improved tools and resources. Our in-person training has a strong focus on practicing the skills needed to prepare, respond and prevent emergencies. Course materials, including a complementary eBook, includes skill videos for lifeguards to review ...